The Compleat Heretic's Homepage
This site was last modified on 13 January 2017.
Site Introduction
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COPPA Notice
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Site Introduction
Welcome to my contribution to the World Wide Web. I started this site on the UNCG server as a single page which I created one evening in March 1997 while fooling around with something called HTML which I edited directly on the server using an odd little text editor called Pico. The page consisted of three lines of text each containing only a single bit of information: my name, a brief self-description, and my e-mail address. I soon expanded this simple page to form "the first incarnation" of a legitimate site by turning it into a homepage and adding my letters to the editor and newspaper columns indexed on a Publications page. And most importantly, I gave my website a name: Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic. (I retain a hard copy, dated 3/27/97, of this version in a folder labeled "Compleat Heretic v.1 (UNCG)" in my filing cabinet.) After the site went off-line when the university purged former student accounts from their server in November 1997, I restored it by joining GeoCities on 13 January 1998. I moved the site onto its own domain on 4 September 1999 after realizing I was seriously committed to the relationship. Judging by the "What's New" Archives, I seem to have been constantly modifying and hopefully improving it as I gained more experience and knowledge as a webmaster, but then it has always had a life of its own like all good websites should. (Why am I suddenly thinking of that Steve McQueen movie, The Blob!?) I consider it an obligation and a privilege to provide an interesting, informative, and user-friendly website. I hope you'll check in on me often.
I'm James Matthew Wallace, or more commonly, Matt to my family and friends, and a variety of epithets to my enemies. In case you didn't come in through my introduction page or missed the header at the top of every other page on the site, I'm "an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist" which is why I adopted the cyberidentity and cybernym of "The Compleat Heretic." That's "Compleat" as in "highly proficient" and "Heretic" as in "one who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine." I consider myself to be both an economic and cultural conservative; that is, a free-market capitalist and a moral traditionalist. The religious right types and "ordinary" conservatives can't quite comprehend my atheism which they reflexively view as a manifestation of leftism. The atheists can't understand my cultural conservatism which they reflexively view as "just religious beliefs" when espoused by the religious right. I'm rather adept at committing heresy regardless of affiliations. If I've piqued your interest and you wish to learn more about me, please explore my site at your leisure.
Let's come to an understanding right from the start. This is a personal website; that is, it is about me: who I am, what I do, what I think, etc. I created this site to inform others about myself and to aid me in my neverending quest to discover my self. Fortunately, I'm rather interesting subject matter. Also, never forget that I am extremely opinionated and that my opinions are the result of rational analysis and my innate contrariness. I have always sought to comprehend things, and I have always heard the beat of my own drummer very loudly and most clearly. Given this and the expansiveness of my personality, I am confident that you will find something in these web pages that will either delight and amuse you or shock and offend you, and probably a combination of the two. If not, wait for it! Finally, enjoy!
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Site Contents
To see what I've piddled with recently, check out what's new.
To learn more about me, check out my autobiography. For "just the facts," check out my vital statistics.
To read some of my writings, check out my publications.
To see organizations to which I belong, check out my affiliations.
To learn about some of my favorite things, check out my gratifications.
To learn about some of the things I despise, check out my irritations.
To see some of the things I've seen, check out my photo album. To see how I look and looked, check out my personal photos.
To see my reactions to other websites, check out my websurfing safari.
To see overwrought reactions to this site, check out my hate mail.
For the obligatory links, check out my connections.
To view this site's web awards, check out my trophy case.
My owl, Heterodoxos, is my official website mascot.
To sign or to read my guestbook, refer to my guestbook central.
To write to the webmaster, direct comments to The Compleat Heretic.
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Site Navigation
For an outline of the structure of this website, pull out the site map.
For a particular subject, perhaps you can find it in the site index.
Perhaps you can find what you're looking for with my local search engine.
Find your way back to a web ring by taking my express lane.
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Privacy Policy:
I collect and disseminate personal information within the context of this site.
Submission of any online form on this site or sending an e-mail message to me creates the possibility of my posting that information to this site in some manner.
Furthermore, I may augment such information with data from my access logs as I deem appropriate and necessary; abusive communications especially are subject to this treatment.
Absent communication with me or suspected criminal activity, visitor activity on this site is unmonitored.
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COPPA Notice:
Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic is the personal website of a middle-aged man in which he shares some portion of his life and thoughts. As a result, it primarily deals with the mature discussion of a variety of philosophical, religious, artistic, social, and political issues; the tone of this discussion ranges from scholarly and intellectual to informal and casual (including suggestive or even vulgar at times) depending on rhetorical form and subject matter. Consequently, this site is directed towards adults and adolescents.
Even though my intended audience specifically excludes children, thus exempting me from the provisions of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), I will make a good faith effort to comply with this law. Accordingly, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to communicate with me without parental consent. Absent evidence to the contrary, submission of any online form on this site or sending an e-mail message to me implies that the sender is either of age and not covered by COPPA or is doing so under parental supervision; in both cases, the sender is granting me permission to use the communication in accordance with my Privacy Policy as described above. If a child's personal information should be posted on this site without parental consent in violation of my policy, that child's parents are responsible for informing me of this violation. Upon such notification, I will remove the child's information upon the next site update.
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Copyright Notice:
Unless otherwise indicated, all contents of this website are copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 by James Matthew Wallace. All rights reserved.
Additionally, being the devil who quotes Scripture for his own devices, and with some regularity at that, and in due recognition of the intellectual property rights of my fellow artists, with deepest gratitude and respect, I hereby make the following publisher's required notice of copyright: "Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers."
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