The Compleat Heretic's Contact Page
This page was last modified on 16 September 2016.
Privacy Policy:

I collect and disseminate personal information within the context of this site.

Submission of any online form on this site or sending an e-mail message to me creates the possibility of my posting that information to this site in some manner.

Furthermore, I may augment such information with data from my access logs as I deem appropriate and necessary; abusive communications especially are subject to this treatment.

Absent communication with me or suspected criminal activity, visitor activity on this site is unmonitored.
COPPA Notice:

Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic is the personal website of a middle-aged man in which he shares some portion of his life and thoughts. As a result, it primarily deals with the mature discussion of a variety of philosophical, religious, artistic, social, and political issues; the tone of this discussion ranges from scholarly and intellectual to informal and casual (including suggestive or even vulgar at times) depending on rhetorical form and subject matter. Consequently, this site is directed towards adults and adolescents.

Even though my intended audience specifically excludes children, thus exempting me from the provisions of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), I will make a good faith effort to comply with this law. Accordingly, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to communicate with me without parental consent. Absent evidence to the contrary, submission of any online form on this site or sending an e-mail message to me implies that the sender is either of age and not covered by COPPA or is doing so under parental supervision; in both cases, the sender is granting me permission to use the communication in accordance with my Privacy Policy as described above. If a child's personal information should be posted on this site without parental consent in violation of my policy, that child's parents are responsible for informing me of this violation. Upon such notification, I will remove the child's information upon the next site update.
If you wish to send a message to me, you can do so by restoring the address below:
Please note: By sending me a message, you are granting me the right to use your message in any manner I choose which includes publication on Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic.
Also, be aware that you probably won't receive a timely response, if any, but it never hurts to try.
Also, be aware that unexpected messages with attachments and those without a proper subject line will most likely end up in my spam folder or be deleted without being opened, that is, go unread.
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