Heterodoxos, official mascot of Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist Header for Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist

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The Compleat Heretic's Guestbook Archive:
Volume 24 (27 Jan 2008 - 5 May 2008)

This page was last modified on 14 November 2012.

NOTE WELL: The entries in this guestbook reflect only the views of the individual signatories. As I
welcome any comments my visitors may wish to offer, I must insist that you refrain from any activity
that could be considered harassment of my guests. Of course, I reckon you can make your own entry.

Brandon wrote on 5 May 2008, 10:23:04 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Albuquerque NM
How did you find me?: Searching for anti-PETA material
Do you like my site?: Indeed
Will you visit again?: Of course
Will you recommend site to others?: You know it!
Do you think I'm insane?: Potentially

Your page link will now be sent to all of my fellow Guild members in the World of WarCraft! A world where Undead can eat humans! Your Pets can eat MEAT, where YOU CAN EAT MEAT without being accosted by the PETA terrorists!

[The following portion is from a concurrent e-mail and clarifies the guestbook entry. -- The Compleat Heretic]

Elite is what you are! I am so happy that I stumbled accross your incredible web page. Many people feel the same way you do (PETA article) however not too many of us have the ability to create a website. The way that you present your arguments and tear PETA to shreds .....well words can't describe the awesome!

Thanks for all you do, now I am off to read the rest of your site.

Brandon Bailey

Webmaster's Response:
Hmm, are the lunatics in People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals set to invade the World of WarCraft?!?

And a final thought: MEAT IS FOOD!!!

-- The Compleat Heretic

[Please note: This entry is adapted from an e-mail sent to the webmaster. -- The Compleat Heretic]

Brian Moore wrote on 16 April 2008, 16:56:33 EDT
My E-mail: [Address withheld as a courtesy to the sender; take that spammers! -- The Compleat Heretic]
How did you find me?: MSN

Hey man. I just found your website (via MSN) because of a paper I'm writing for my British Literature class. (I'm critiquing Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room.")

Just want to tell you that I dig your style. I'm pretty conservative and come from a Christian background, so I must admit I was initially surprised to find that you were an atheist. But I'm glad people like you exist. I've grown pretty disgruntled with the Religious Right over the past few years due to their monopolization of conservatism. I myself believe in Jesus Christ, but it's hard for me to call myself a Christian because of how ignorant Christians act.

I digress...

What I mean to say is, keep it up.


Webmaster's Response:
I trust you found my short response paper,
Jonathan Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room": Misogyny or Misandry?, useful. I still marvel that the all-too-many gender and radical feminists among my classmates allowed me out of the classroom with my genitals intact after we discussed this poem! It's not like I was baiting them or anything....

-- The Compleat Heretic

Thomas wrote on 12 April 2008, 15:06:30 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Maryland
How did you find me?: search engine
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: no

As a politically-conservative Republican and atheist I have difficulty finding accepting people like you. Please accept my enthusiastic gratitude.

Webmaster's Response:
That's one of the reasons why I'm here and have been for over eleven years.

-- The Compleat Heretic

Kenzi wrote on 23 March 2008, 21:04:26 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): USA
How did you find me?: surfing
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: maybe
Will you recommend site to others?: don't know
Do you think I'm insane?: maybe

I'm writing a few articles right now and wanted to get some info and opinions. Do you know of some others who use the same concepts as you?

John Shuey wrote on 11 March 2008, 15:48:13 EDT
My E-mail:
My URL: http://360.yahoo.com/jshuey44
My Location (City, State, etc.): Carrollton, TX
How did you find me?: AAI link
Do you like my site?: Yup
Will you visit again?: Maybe
Will you recommend site to others?: Why not?
Do you think I'm insane?: I hope so

Matt...Enjoyed. I used to be a conservative Republican atheist, but the GOP left me so now I'm a Libertarian atheist. Freedom AND small government go hand in hand, don't you think?

Webmaster's Response:
As an American political conservative, read Constitutionalist, I am an advocate of individual liberty and limited government which I reckon makes me a libertarian. Even so, I have always rejected affiliating with the Libertarian Party due to their (nonexistent) foreign policy that precludes an aggressive defense of the Republic which is a legitimate function of the federal government. Also, the Libertarians, unlike the Republicans, have no realistic chance of winning the political majorities required to make anything happen. Though I am greatly dissatisfied with the current state of the Republican Party, I continue to identify myself with it as it remains the closest thing to an American conservative party for all practical purposes. And anyway, change can be effected only from within...

-- The Compleat Heretic

Hilmimmogma wrote on 1 March 2008, 21:02:14 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Venezuela

I'd prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links.

Bopjoywog wrote on 1 March 2008, 19:57:33 EST
My E-mail:

i think about my mind...thats this the mind challenger. iam not crazy but many think about life and this site challenge diversity and station of opinion and info.

William B Friendly wrote on 1 March 2008, 18:44:25 EST
My E-mail:
My URL: http://www.gatewayalpacas.com
My Location (City, State, etc.): Oregon
How did you find me?: surfing
Do you like my site?: Its, sooo 1990's
Will you visit again?: I stop by occassionaly
Will you recommend site to others?: I have
Do you think I'm insane?: Eccentric is a better word

The religious right has lost their oomph, William Buckley has passed on, Hillary is fading, and Obama is unlikely to prevail in a general election. Perhaps there is hope after all?

Deborah H wrote on 17 February 2008, 15:26:06 EST
My E-mail:
My URL: http://www.thesparklyshirt.com
My Location (City, State, etc.): Toronto, Canada
How did you find me?: I tripped while looking for a NEW gif!
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: would that be bad?

Good God (I don't have either) I have NO idea how I found your site on a sunday, while my husband plays guitar downstairs. You have some interesting opinions, I LOVE disco, hate The Doors, but LOVE Boston, CCR etc. I can't believe you actually get hate mail?? Anyways, from a bumbling Canadian, supposed to be working on her small business, your site kept me amused for quite some time, and I bookmarked it! Take care Matt.

"all that glitters is NOT gold"

Webmaster's Response:
Ah, the delightful vagaries of search engines! Look for one thing and find another! Try to save time by quickly finding what you're looking for and end up wasting all sorts of time on something you weren't looking for!

-- The Compleat Heretic

Garth Melendy wrote on 10 February 2008, 12:56:27 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Naples, Italy
How did you find me?: argumentitive paper on gay in the military
Do you like my site?: hell yeah!
Will you visit again?: yes, booked already
Will you recommend site to others?: sure
Do you think I'm insane?: no, you're right on the money!

I am writing a paper and was searching the web for gays in the military articles and why I think that it shouldn't be allowed. I myself had to sleep near a rather limpwristed individual in the berthing (sailor word for a ships barracks), while he made no passes at me it was hard to tell at first if he was just a 'Little Richard' body double or just straight gay. The really disturbing thing was that he was a RP (if you understand the Navy rating system), or Religious Personnelmen and the only one on the ship for that matter.

On the ships, a new thing has come into play in the past few years. that of males and females working together. Some call it fraternization, others call it human nature. When I reported to my first co-ed ship, I had to sign a pg.13 acknowledging I understood the rules when working in mixed gender. Sounds silly you say, well it's the rules and we're to abide by them. But I did have a male and female start something together once. The fact was, they were both in my division, and were E-5/E-3, so that was a serious no-no. It was hard for anything to get done when they were around each other. It was like puppy love from hell. Eventually they got caught and they both received some NJP as well. I can't remember if it was you or one of your reader's comments that said the same. but I do agree that openly gay males are VERY disturbing and it makes me feel uncomfortable to be around them. So that's my take on it, get back to me if you can.

Garth Melendy

Webmaster's Response:
Thanks, it's always good to receive support from current servicemembers who have been forced to serve with homosexuals under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Good luck on the paper; I hope my work on the issue has been helpful.

-- The Compleat Heretic

Michael Sanchez wrote on 7 February 2008, 04:47:47 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Hemet, CA
How did you find me?: Google [on "conservative atheists" -- The Compleat Heretic]
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: maybe
Will you recommend site to others?: if I think to
Do you think I'm insane?: a right-wing nut!

Refreshing! I am a conservative Christian, and fellow veteran (OIF IV). I'm sick of hearing about the "religious right" and the immature discourse in this country. I recently pleaded with my friends, on Myspace, to reject Barack Obama. I received a scathing message in my inbox accusing me of being stupid. I said that I would vote for Huckabee, but I advised people to vote for the person they believe is the best candidate, and to reject Obama because he voted against banning partial-birth abortion. He wrote back telling me wouldn't vote for someone who didn't believe in evolution, or any person who prays. It's sad to see so many people in this country embrace this sort of intolerance. Since when do religious beliefs matter in politics? It's the issues! Thanks for your site.

Webmaster's Response:
Yeah, leftist atheists tend to criticize me for supporting "God's Own Party" and chastise me for "persecuting myself" by being a Republican. Such behavior only encourages me to boost for my fellow conservative atheists whenever they find me or I find them. Of course, my union and others in the labor movement charge the 40% of union members who regularly support the Republican party with voting against their "interests," (read "economic interests") when they vote based on social issues never mind that it is in my "economic interest" to keep Democrats from taxing my union wages out of my paycheck. Furthermore, the issues I consider when casting a ballot, including the defense of the Republic, the preservation of the Second Amendment, and the ending of the genocide of abortion on demand, transcend my irreligious views and financial considerations, thus they are my interests writ large!

-- The Compleat Heretic

WILLIAM D. WILLIAMS wrote on 6 February 2008, 11:17:36 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): NORFOLK, VIRGINIA
How did you find me?: VIA RADIO
Do you like my site?: YES
Will you visit again?: YES
Will you recommend site to others?: YES
Do you think I'm insane?: YES


Webmaster's Response:
Mr. Williams found my Rush Limbaugh essay on a Google search on "rush lumbaugh" in which the following was result #1 of about 227,000 (Yes, I'm that good!):

Rush Limbaugh Is a Maniac!; or, Why I Am a Dittohead
Personal essay explaining the origins of my devotion to Rush Limbaugh.
www.compleatheretic.com/loves/limbaugh.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
After entering my site, his visit took the following path:
11:11:06 EST   Rush Limbaugh Is a Maniac!; or, Why I Am a Dittohead
11:11:18 EST   Contact Page
11:11:32 EST   Guestbook Central
11:11:44 EST   Guestbook Form
11:17:36 EST   (submission of Guestbook entry)
11:18:09 EST   Guestbook
When I first read this entry, I was rather perplexed as I haven't been on the radio discussing "hope" or anything else for that matter. Then I remembered that Rush had critiqued the vacuous rhetoric of both the Obama and Clinton campaigns during his 5 February 2008 show. One of Rush's points was that while hope may be important in stimulating and sustaining an effort towards a goal, hope gets nothing done in and of itself. I realized that Mr. Williams probably had found my Limbaugh essay while searching for Rush's contact info and mistook me for him; I've had this happen several times previously. I immediately checked my access logs as noted above and confirmed my theory.

I'll leave Mr. Williams's web searching/surfing/posting behavior to speak for itself...

-- The Compleat Heretic

Fillip Nosterko wrote on 5 February 2008, 03:53:10 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Russia

Hi, I was just checking out your very impressive site! Caroline and Owen say Hi too. Bye, see your site again soon.

phyllis barnes wrote on 27 January 2008, 11:49:41 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): district heights md
How did you find me?: east forsyth high school
Do you like my site?: it's ok
Will you visit again?: i might
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: somewhat

what's up with 1980 graduates of east forsyth why we don't have a page or am i just not looking in the right place let me know.

Webmaster's Response:
Phyllis entered my personal site from East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979, my award-winning site for my high school graduating class. And my sister's class, East Forsyth Class of 1980, befuddles me as well.

-- The Compleat Heretic

For other entries:

Proceed to Guestbook Archives: Volume 23.

Proceed to Guestbook Archives: Volume 25.

See Guestbook Archives on the Compleat Heretic's Guestbook Central.

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